Find your happiness and learn to put it first

Online therapy in Pennsylvania + New Jersey.
Online coaching services anywhere.

Here at Sassy, I support women across the globe by addressing anxiety, boosting confidence and busting shame. Women today suffer from uncertainty and fear — we all deserve a little love and support while navigating a tough world.

Woman sitting on window sill

Anxiety can feel like the ex-lover you can’t quite shake — every time you think you’re really done, it’s back again, upending your life temporarily until you can think straight.

Imposter Syndrome can be paralyzing, making you doubt your abilities and fearful you'll be "found out" as a fraud (even though in reality, you’re a complete badass).

Self-esteem is necessary to make sure you’re getting paid, getting laid, feeling good and thriving. When it’s shaky, you may be settling for treatment that isn’t good enough for you. You’re the main character of your own life, doll. Don’t you forget it.

Confidence is the key to unlocking your full potential and achieving your goals.

So if you’re feeling stuck — stuck in a job you hate, stuck in an unsatisfying relationship, stuck in debt, stuck in a life without creativity or passion, stuck in grief after the death of a loved one or a life-changing loss — please know that it gets better.

If there’s a small voice inside of you whispering, “Is this it?” — know that there’s so much more waiting for you baby doll, you just have to be willing to go out and get it.

Jaclyn sitting on the floor next to couch

Hi. I’m Jaclyn Borgia.

I’m the Chief Sass Officer behind The Sassy Shrink.

I began Sassy when I got tired of working for the man and decided to do my own thing. I never pictured myself to be a boss, to own something, and yet here I am, doing the thing.

And I want that for you, too. I want you to wake up every day and know that YOU ARE WORTHY. You are miraculous. You are a goddamned vision. You don’t need to shrink yourself down in order to make other people more comfortable. You deserve to be the biggest, baddest, badass version of yourself. And you deserve to feel worthy enough to dream big.

I offer online therapy for folks who live in Pennsylvania and New Jersey and online coaching for those who live anywhere in the world.

How do I know if I need therapy or coaching, you ask?

Let me explain.

Therapy is for you if you want someone to hold your hand.

Coaching is for you if you want someone to give you a push.

Here are some more deets:

Online therapy in Pennsylvania & New Jersey

Look, I’m a certain kind of therapist. My approach is rooted in warmth, humor, and authenticity. I offer unconditional love and acceptance with a dash of tough love. What does that mean? It means I am here to ask you the tough questions like, “Who taught you that you weren’t good enough?” And, “Who taught you that you were ‘too much’?”

I am here to hold space for you as you process your experiences, however painful they may be. I also bring a softness to our sessions, and I recognize that every therapy session doesn’t have to be a process-fest. Sometimes you just need to vent. We don’t always have to be talking, either. Sometimes it’s enough just to exist. I am here to simply be with you, however you show up on any given day. It’s incredibly healing to show up as you are and to simply be loved and respected for it.

And that is my promise to you — I will show up with love and without judgment, no matter what.

You can ugly cry all you want here, baby.

I welcome you — all of you.

I’m also here to walk with you if you decide to shed the person you once were and discover who you want to be.

I want you to feel like I’m the big sister you never had, or the daughter you always wanted to be close to.

My approach is always client-centered. I try to reach through that computer screen to hold your hand and touch your heart to remind you that you are loved and you can do it — whatever “it” may be.

If you feel like you’re swimming in shit, I will swim in the shit with you. And when you’re done swimming, we will get back up — stronger than before — and tackle the next thing, together.

Woman taking notes during online therapy session

Here are the main things I help my online therapy clients with:




If you’re struggling with any of those things and think online therapy services in Pennsylvania and New Jersey would help, please visit the therapy services page for more info.

Online coaching services

Coaching is for you if you’re sick of your own bullshit and you’re ready to change. You’ve done the therapy thing. You’re done the processing. You don’t want to sit around and talk. You want to ACT.

If you recognize that YOU are standing in your own way, you’re ready for coaching.

If you’re tired of your same old bullshit and you’re ready to get out of your own way, you’re ready for coaching.

If you’re reaching for your dreams and they’re sliiiightly out of reach, coaching can help you get that extra inch.

I use humor and softness as much as directness. If you want to learn more about how coaching can take you from stuck to self-confidence, head to the coaching services page for more info.

Whether you’re a coaching client or a therapy client, you will feel how much I love you.

Choosing one over the other just depends on

a) where you are on your individual journey and b) where you live. (Online therapy clients, you gotta live in Pennsylvania or New Jersey, as that’s where I’m licensed to practice.)

You can receive online coaching no matter where you are in the world.

So if you’re tired of…

Feeling afraid to become a bigger, better version of yourself

Desperately wanting to be liked

Just going through the motions of your life but not really feeling connected to anything

Chronically doubting yourself and feeling like you aren’t good enough

Thinking you’re a shitty person

Harboring resentment because your family didn’t/doesn’t accept you

Being stuck in your own head

Running away from your feelings

Anxiety controlling your life

And you’re ready to…

✔︎ Become the person you’re meant to be

✔︎ Be happy with who you are

✔︎ Live with intention

✔︎ Believe in yourself and challenge negative self-talk

✔︎ Actually love yourself and be proud of who you are

✔︎  Shed the need for approval

✔︎  Connect with your body and let feelings move through you

✔︎  Witness your pain, grief, and shame

✔︎  Build a toolbox so you can move through your struggles with confidence

Online therapy in Pennsylvania and New Jersey or online coaching can help.